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Captain ID Name 
00012758Udeberg, Paul
00006494Ugasse, Jean Baptiste
00017952Ughes, Stefano
00011974Ugland, Ole Petersen
00012549Uklantz, Johan
00006725Ulietam, Benorick
00018177Ulman, Andrea
00001311Undahl, Jean
00018730Upton, Benjamin
00018732Upton, Edmond
00005592Urbain, Charles François
00010764Urbanus, Gerris
00004956Urbye, Gabriel
00015275Urgelier, Dominique
00006880Uriarte, Antonio
00006868Uriarte, Jean Antoine
00006866Uriarte, Jean Baptiste
00006869Uriarte, Manuel
00006881Uriarte, Michel
00006882Uriarte, Ramon
00012856Usher, Guillaume
00017392Usman, Cristiano
00018499Uter [$], James
00011801Uven, Ouen
00011050Uzel, Gildas
00011049Uzel, Paul
00011048Uzel, Pierre
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Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
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