About Navigocorpus

Navigocorpus is a data-base on shipping and maritime trade which allows the collection of data issued from sources of different nature providing information on the presence of ships or their movements in time and space. Information derived from the sources are stored as a list of chronologically ordered points (ports or high-sea points). Any kind of information items (taxes paid, cargo items loaded and unloaded, commercial operations, sea hazards, characterization of the ship, etc.) is linked to the correspondent point. To facilitate the use of the diverse collections of ship movement records that constitutes Navigocorpus, a set of auxiliary tools has been incorporated into the database. Among these, we provided each ship and each captain in Navigocorpus with an identification code. We attributed the same code when we believed that we were handling with the same vessel or the same person. Geographical points, moreover, have been georeferenced. 

Navigocorpus has been created within a four-year program financed by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Dec. 2007 - Dec. 2011). The data-base contained, at the end of the programme (Dec. 2011), mainly data for the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. The content has considerably increased in size since, and we hope to be able to progressively sets of data provided by a wider community of maritime historians provided. For further details about the project, click here.

Navigocorpus database was developed using FileMaker as software.  While working at the trasnfer of the database in SQL - which you can access by clicking on the "entity" menu in this side, FileMaker issued the version 12 of its software which provides a highly improved possibility of putting the database directly online. We decided therefore to work at the online Navigocorpus database in FileMaker while offering an oversimplified version of its present content through SQL.

You can read the scientific purposes and methods of Navigocorpus subsystem in this link, click here.

For further intensive exploitation on the data-base itself, we suggest users to get in contact with program principal investigator (contact: Silvia Marzagalli).

Last update on Wednesday 10 February 2016 (18:44) by  Silvia Marzagalli

© 2012 - Projet Director:
Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM

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