20811 documents
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20811 results (1/347 pages)
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filter by Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [all]
Ship ID | Name |
0007484N | 1769 |
0005099N | A. Joaquín Ramos |
0017713N | Abaellino |
0006200N | Abardlim |
0001482N | Abeille |
0017597N | Abel Margretha |
0006199N | Abellino |
0016582N | Abeona |
0016558N | Abigail |
0018504N | Abigail |
0018507N | Abigail |
0018635N | Abigail |
0018636N | Abigail |
0018678N | Abigail |
0018679N | Abigail |
0018680N | Abigail |
0018985N | Abigail |
0018986N | Abigail |
0018988N | Abigal |
0018989N | Abiona |
0000570N | Abondance |
0003262N | Abondance |
0007710N | Abondance |
0006181N | Abondante |
0014247N | Abracadabra |
0002580N | Abraham |
0012544N | Abraham et Johannes |
0018195N | Abramo e Giacobbe |
0005073N | Acadia |
0015841N | Acajou |
0015562N | Accord |
0015563N | Accord |
0002406N | Achille |
0002581N | Achille |
0003263N | Achille |
0006165N | Achille |
0009419N | Achille |
0001557N | Achilles |
0019867N | Acmon |
0009095N | Aconipo |
0000807N | Actif |
0000949N | Actif |
0000950N | Actif |
0001575N | Actif |
0002454N | Actif |
0003264N | Actif |
0006749N | Actif |
0006750N | Actif |
0007171N | Actif |
0008171N | Actif |
0008556N | Actif |
0009425N | Actif |
0009817N | Actif |
0009818N | Actif |
0009819N | Actif |
0009820N | Actif |
0009821N | Actif |
0010514N | Actif |
0011271N | Actif |
0011452N | Actif |
© 2012 - Projet Director:
Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
Last update: Monday 28 October 2019 (09:12) + Page rendering in 1.291s
Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
Last update: Monday 28 October 2019 (09:12) + Page rendering in 1.291s