454 documents
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454 results (1/8 pages) 12345678
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filter by Name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [all]
Ship ID | Name |
0007466N | L'aymable Suzanne |
0011429N | La jeanne Marie |
0010774N | La Marie Magdelaine |
0010776N | La Marie Magdelaine |
0016783N | La Vergine Coronata |
0015583N | La Vierge de Bon Secoure |
0015287N | La Vierge de la Ceinture |
0014820N | La Vierge du Rosaire |
0009146N | Labour |
0012820N | Labourdine |
0009145N | Laboureur |
0009047N | Labrador |
0019970N | Lacnem [$] |
0006642N | Lady Adams |
0015924N | Lady Holtom |
0015931N | Lady Othon |
0000851N | Lady Thades |
0015789N | Laetitia |
0019553N | Laguira |
0012949N | Lailiere |
0003630N | Laima |
0006580N | Lak |
0020775N | Laloak |
0020142N | Lamanda |
0014046N | Lambert |
0015536N | Lampedouse |
0014731N | Lancarde |
0001627N | Landa |
0015111N | Landricopolitain |
0014009N | Laney |
0007152N | Langrume |
0001076N | Languedoc |
0015552N | Languedocienne |
0013872N | Lanné |
0010640N | Lanonime |
0013389N | Lantille |
0001712N | Lapin |
0017554N | Lardève |
0005296N | Lardon |
0013452N | Lare |
0015900N | Larie |
0000111N | Lark |
0007083N | Lark |
0007085N | Larke |
0018799N | Larke |
0000114N | Larks |
0012914N | Lars Morck |
0012667N | Last |
0010026N | Latena |
0001280N | Latham |
0005093N | Laura |
0019254N | Laura |
0004503N | Laurent |
0005239N | Laurent |
0005472N | Laurent |
0005658N | Laurent |
0010700N | Laurette |
0001775N | Laurier |
0001776N | Laurier britannique |
0008168N | Laurora |
© 2012 - Projet Director:
Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
Last update: Monday 28 October 2019 (09:12) + Page rendering in 0.116s
Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
Site created by Gérald Foliot with webActors - Hosted by TGIR HUMA-NUM
Last update: Monday 28 October 2019 (09:12) + Page rendering in 0.116s