How to perform query in SQL
You can access the database in SQL by cliking on the word in orange "navigation points" (ie, the list of places touched by the ships), "ships" (to access ship names), "captains" (to access captain names), "registred harbours" (to access the list of places where ships are registred) on the presentation page-home in the section "Statistical data".
Whatever your choice, you can query the database by inserting your search text in the query fielfd (upper corner, on the right). Then click on the binoculars symbol.
Important: please note that the search is performed as full-text in the whole database, and not in a specific field; if you want to restrict queries to specific fields, we invite you to use the Filemaker online version of Navigocorpus.
Syntaxe of queries:
To understand how to perform a query, it's easier to provide a few examples:
- Ex. 1 : A research Dupont will produce as result all the points touched by all captains Dupont, but also ships called dupont.
- Ex. 2 : If you want to research dupon or dupont or dupond, you can use wildcare *, in this exemple: dupon*
- Ex. 3 : A query on Dupont Jean will produce all Dupont or Jean but also all points related to captain Dupont of ships called for instance Jean.
- Ex. 4 : If you look for an exact content (for instance, Jean Dupon), spell your request as follows: "jean dupon"
- Ex. 5 : If you want to exclude one or more terms, use for exemple this query +dupon -jean, to find all entries containing dupon but not jean in any of the fields.
Once you have find a pertinent result to your query, you can access the whole information concerning this specific point, ship, captain, registred harbour by clicking on the corresponding identifier of your pertinent record.
Ex. A research of the word "femme" will produce three hits of ships containg "femme". If you are intrested in the ship called "Femme et enfants", by clicking on the identifier of this ship (0003951N) you will access to all the points she touched which are recorded in our database.
Last update on Sunday 8 June 2014 (14:12) by Silvia Marzagalli
Silvia Marzagalli, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Pierrick Pourchasse, University of Brittanny (Brest) - Jean-Pierre Dedieu, LARHRA, CNRS, Lyon
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